The companies around the world deal with expenses in large proportions every day and such transactions will get accumulated every month to a larger number than what we expect. This should be subjected to a detailed research every month and the results can be used for the plotting a trend calculation between the inflow of money and the expenses we meet per month. This will in turn help us in making sure that the company is on the falling side of the financial reserves curve. Many graphical representations will be possible by using the data collected for filling up the monthly expense reports. The details can be useful in finding out the departments and about the personnel involved in wasting fund resources and other forms of fraudulent activities including embezzlement of the funds provided for this purpose.
For example, by using monthly expense report, every penny spent for the department of transport of a company will be accounted for and the unbalanced calculations will receive an inspection from specially designed methods of finding out the reasons for this. The monthly expense report will provide columns to be filled with details about the nature and amount of expenses made by and for a single vehicle operated by the company. Each report will tabulate the number of hours in which it had remained unused, the used timings and duration, the length of each journey, the amount of cargo loaded onto the vehicle and so on, in detailed tabulation. This being the case, the money being spent for the single company owned vehicle or the vehicle which has been hired from other agencies can be calculated freely. The details will provide exact inferences for the management to take decisions in this regard. The funds which have been separately allotted as a whole from the total available funds, just for being used by this department will either be increased or decreased only after examining the contents of these reports in full.
The reason for the usage of monthly expense report will be that the company will not only have employees who work genuinely and in the best possible of ways of gaining support for both the company as well as themselves, but will also have selfish natured persons too. The same aspect might be found among the personnel working in the top level board of the company too. Such differences in opinion and cunning plots to embezzle the company's funds can be shown to all by discussing the aspects shown by the monthly report among everyone in that specific department.
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