From Booking to Kayak, TripAdvisor to Expedia, there's no shortage of online travel websites that you and your employees have likely spent a lot of time on, setting up the next business trip on the schedule. As helpful as these website may be however - especially compared to what the booking process was like prior to the advent of the Internet they're far from being user-friendly. And the process is only complicated further when you start to think about all the expenses that you or your workers will need to keep track of for billing purposes.
Fortunately, Certify has the tools you need to make booking a whole lot easier. Take a look at the following tips from now on when you or your employees need to schedule a trip to another part of the U.S. or the world.
Log in to Certify. Start out by entering the address of Certify into your web browser, whether that's through your personal computer, tablet or handheld device. Then enter your login identification. This really expedites the process because this data helps the system know who the user is, what their travel preferences are and whether they have any airfare credits that they may be able to use.
Input travel itinerary. Here's where the system needs more information from the user. Simply enter the travel booking details you have, such as the flight, hotel and/or rental car. Once the system knows when the travel period will be - which, like the other information, can be entered in the requested area - a variety of potential vendors will appear. The one chosen, of course, is a decision for you and/or your employee.
Book the chosen selection. Once you or your workers decide on the appropriate vendor, it should all be smooth sailing from there. In fact, just to confirm, Certify will email you and your worker about the most important details of the upcoming travel itinerary. It's a good idea to really look this over as it will contain information that is crucial to the "en route" portion of the trip going smoothly.
But even if there is a problem - no sweat. So long as you make the appropriate changes within 24 hours, you won't have to worry about incurring a penalty. As far as the expense recording goes, most of that is take care of.
By booking a trip through Certify, the system automatically creates an expense reports document that you or your employee can easily fill out on an as-needed basis.
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