When it comes to expenses not only this is for the business people but all of us are getting involve with it especially the leaders that we have in our nation the politician. Most of the politicians are having a trip all the time with the other places just meeting with the other people for some business matters. Since politicians are always traveling they must need to have the proper way in managing their expenditures easy and faster such as a software that can make the travel cost save later on.
This is illustrated by the current situation in the Canadian senate: the auditor general, faced with multiple findings that display many questionable reimbursed expenditures, has now announced that he will examine the spending practices of every individual senator, according to a report from Canada.com.
The audit, performed by Michael Ferguson, could take at least a year to complete, according to a source who spoke with the news outlet. The lengthy review will come at a cost for taxpayers and the nation's budget, showing how much money can be saved through the use of business expense reporting software.
Sen. Pamela Wallin, one of the individuals cited for questionable reimbursements, was quoted arguing against the auditor's findings, showing that expense management needs to be done correctly at the time the costs are incurred, to help prevent disputes. "Travel expenses, which were approved and paid by Senate finance in 2009, in 2010, in 2011, have, in a number of cases, now been disallowed," she stated, arguing that the charges held against her were not consistent with the standards she had come to be familiar with.
However, others have argued that it's the individual's responsibility to keep up with standards and practices regarding travel expenses.
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