A lot of people ask me if they need to use specialist email marketing software to send their marketing emails. When people start out in email marketing they can be tempted to try and do things on the cheap, sending marketing emails from outlook or from their web mail service. I have heard people argue that email marketing is just sending people emails; outlook sends emails so why should I pay for email marketing software? Well, that’s fine, but you can apply the same logical to lots of things.
There are many reasons for investing in proper email marketing software; here are just a few of them:
Lists can be managed automatically. As your list grows this can be a massive time saver. Recipients can add and remove themselves from your list without you having to do anything, software can also remove dead email addresses.
You can send automated emails, for example a welcome message when someone joins your list.
You can track the performance of the emails you send. This can be anything from what links recipients are clicking on to how many people unsubscribed after receiving your email. If you want to improve future campaigns this is the sort of thing you need to know.
If those things haven't already made up your mind how about all of the help and advice that you can get from an email marketing company when you use their specialist software? They are likely to have plenty of tools that allow you to ensure that your emails actually get delivered to your readers, that allow you to personalize and customize each email and to make sure that your emails comply with all legal requirements.
In addition to all these tools that make your email campaigns more effective, they are likely to be able to give you all sorts of support and guidance on how to make the most of your email marketing.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Improving Business Efficiency with Email Marketing Software
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